
Sólveig Katrín Jónsdóttir
So Ka Dreaming Swan
Art Medicine Woman and Shamaness
My name is Sólveig and I am a passionate creative person who loves people and nature and seeks inspiration from Mother Earth and the elements.
I walk the shamanic path in my life weaving ancient wisdom teachings and power of nature in my own life and healing. My name Solveig means strength from the sun. I walk the path towards wholeness in life. Being aware to shed my layers of illusion and wounds to find inner strength and power. From that place I am able to share my light and gifts with my fellow kindred spirits helping them to find their own inner strength and power. That is my mission in life.

“Icelandic nature and the elements are constantly giving me inspiration on how to combine Spirit and matter, and how to bring it forth through each individual creative pursuit”.
My love for nature and the world of living energies has played a big part in my life. I studied Naturopath in Farida Sharan's School of Natural Medicine. I dived into shamanism in a four year study of healing and empowerement in Lynn Andrews School of Sacred Art and Training. I have now walked the sacred Andean lineage of the Medicine Wheel of the Queros from the mountains in Peru and I am studying their healing medicine.
Creativity has been deeply woven into my being and soul and that is my outlet and expression on how to transform and move beyond what is into what is becoming.
My calling is to bring Spirit into form both through my own artwork and facilitating creativity workshops, working with the elements and Mother Earth and finding harmony within and without. I have deep passion for and find alignment with the indigenous wisdom and seek to heal Mother Earth. I want to aid in the work to restore the female energies on our beautiful planet Earth, so harmony can abound

My message to you;
"Embrace all that you are, come forth with your winged ones, your spirit helpers and allies and awaken the wisdom and strength within. Call upon your guides as you are never alone. You are always protected and safe. Take flight dear one to your innermost dreams and passions, let it be your guiding light into your shining path. Let the path descent upon you as you follow your dreams and become all that you are. You deserve to let your light shine and become the brightest Star that you are meant to be. Grow and glow into your potential and everything will be taken care of. Trust that you are guided, guided by your silent soft voice of your inner knowing and your inner joy. Follow your joy, your passion as you are meant to emanate joyousness in your life. Experience positive vibrations and see how it spreads and energizes everyone around you. Spiral into a new state of being, move into the higher dimensions and become the Co-Creator in your life."
With blessings and love
So Ka Dreaming Swan
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