Welcome to our website dear kindred spirits
♥ Thank you so much for stopping by ♥
Since 2013
Mother Earth Retreat has been flowing and evolving
with the sacred spiral.
For the time being we have no scheduled Mother Earth Retreats
Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive future updates!
We the founders, MER sisters Thórey, Sólveig and Sóley,
we independently offer our respective services all year round
and you are welcome to contact us individually with your inquiry.

Please direct your e-mails based on your field of interest:
Custom Made Journeys
B2B Facilitator Inquiries
Event Planning
e-mail: helgasoley@gmail.com
tel: +(354) 692-8200
Sweat Lodge Ceremonies
Creative Acts of Power
e-mail: solveigkatrin@gmail.com
tel: +(354) 696-3343

... connect with us on Facebook !