Yoga & Meditation
Upon request
we offer Yoga Classes for both individuals and groups. Special requests: Yoga Retreats at selected locations

Yoga is an ancient Indian body of knowledge that dates back more than 5000 years ago. The word "Yoga" came from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate." Yoga then is about the union of the spirit, the mind and the physical body. The system and various techniques of yoga cultivate the experience of that union, leading to greater integration of being, internal peacefulness, and clarity of the mind. It is a system that is designed to cultivate health and happiness, and a greater sense of self-awareness and higher consciousness.
In our longer retreats we start each day by awakening our body and spirit through meditation, pranayama and gentle hatha yoga.
The whole system of Yoga is built on three main structures: exercise, breathing, and meditation. Hatha yoga exercises or asanas, improve circulation, stimulate the abdominal organs, and put pressure on the glandular system of the body, which can generally result to better health. Yoga has been proven to lower blood pressure and increases strength and flexibility.

Breathing techniques or pranayama, are based on the concept that breath is the source of life in the body and lies at the heart of yoga. It has a mysterious power to soothe and revitalize a tired body, a flagging spirit, or a wild mind. In the process, the mind is calmed, rejuvenated, and uplifted. Pranayama serves as an important bridge between the outward, active practices of yoga—like asana—and the internal, surrendering practices that lead us into deeper states of meditation.
Upon request
we offer indoors and outdoors Meditation Classes
for both individuals and groups

Meditation is finding stillness from the monkey mind, mastering a clear mind where you can truly tap into your own intuition and power. It is there in the stillness where you can find your inner wisdom, communicate with your guides and Spirit and find oneness with all there is. There are many ways into meditation and every school of thought has its own way. You have to find your own way which works for you. Like every true skill you master your skill through practice.
In our longer retreats we clear our mind and meditate in nature, in the creative process, in yoga dance and in yoga. We use different methods but all of them help you to anchor the stillness within, help you to be here and now and tap into your own inner wisdom.
We also use shamanistic vision journeys which helps you calm your mind and with the beat of the drum you move into altered state of consciousness, which helps you travel into inner realms where you gain insight and healing from your spirit helpers.
“ The essence of meditation is where you are one with the flow, there is no past or future, no separation between you and what is happening. This experience is deeply joyful, as we become freed from the illusion that we are separate from everything else in the universe”