The Spiral Flow

Signature Program ~ The Spiral Flow ~ Offered in requested longer retreats
The Mother Earth Retreat experience offers much creative expression and free flow. To guide us as we journey and to anchor our experience, we follow the flow of the Spiral. We can either do it silently, holding the frequency of its form within our hearts, sensed as walking the sacred labyrinth on an ethereal level, or we can use The Spiral Flow hands on during sessions in self-realization work, where we incorporate both the physical and the spiritual level.
We journey the Spiral during each Mother Earth Retreat. In our longer retreats it serves as our backdrop, our path. It is introduced as a tool for the journey of self-discovery and healing.
If you wish to delve deeper, and immerse yourself in the healing works of the Spiral, we offer special Spiral Flow Weekend Retreats and 1-Day Workshops.

In 2009 when we asked for a guiding symbol for our retreats, the Spiral came to us. At first it was the circle form, representing the cycles, femininity, the wheel of Life, the Earth Mother, the mandala, beautiful and powerful in its simplicity. But from within the sacred space of the circle, the Spiral presented itself to us, and we felt deeply within our hearts a strong 'YES' sensation. This was it! So right!
We found deep connection with the primal and feminine spiral. The spiral has been found symbolizing the Goddess and the ocean, natural flow and beauty, for as long as we know. The spiral form is found everywhere in nature, and has such beautiful and harmonious rhythm to its construction. It symbolizes growth and expansion, and is infused with the vibration of Creativity and its Expression.
When designing ‘The Spiral Flow’ we drew on that ancient wisdom and the specific healing and transformative vibration of the spiral form. Spirals are after all the design of nature, of our universe. Our own DNA is patterned in the sacred Spiral. We then combined our knowledge of integrated personal growth and skills and experience with creative expression to form what is now Mother Earth Retreat's signature program, The Spiral Flow.
The wisdom of the Spiral is very potent, thus it can be very healing during a Spiral Flow experience, to personally ask for its guidance, explore it's layers and depths for you on our own, ask for its medicine to be revealed to you personally, so you can interpret its wisdom in your own unique way. We are always asked to connect to sacred symbols and forms using our own intuition, as it empowers us, and helps us to remember our own medicine, and that we each and every one of us are individuals of immense power.

The following is a short description of each of the 4 levels of The Spiral Flow
The Spiral Flow guides us through 4 distinct levels; Cleansing, Creating, Connecting and Communicating. Whilst journeying inward, towards the core of the Spiral, we flow through the first two levels, Cleansing and Creating. At the 3rd level we find ourselves in the center, Connecting to our core, our essense. The journey outwards is the 4th level, where we are in the act of Communicating/Giving.
The Spiral Flow gives natural feeling of continuity as each level prepares us for the next and brings us closer to our center. To delve deeper into the flow of the Spiral, it is wise to remember that there are always little spirals found within the big ones, and each phase, or level holds the vibration of it's mother spiral in its entirety. Furthermore, whether the spiral is spiraling clockwise or anti-clockwise, depends on one's own perception of it. The Spiral vibrates the wholeness and sacredness of the circle with the added dimension of expansion and growth.
Level 1 Cleansing
The release of inbuilt restraints, negative thoughts and stress that affect our daily life. Movement, ceremonies, visualization, healthy and nutritious food can help with the cleansing process and to increase the body’s energy level as we rid ourselves of negative vibrations.
Level 2 Creating
Creative expression is a way to show true emotions and gives us the freedom and inspiration to express our inner being. The creative force unleashes our power and potential.
Level 3 Connecting
Stillness after chaos. We find inner peace when a connection to one’s self is established. A sense of gratitude and security surfaces, where we feel safe to express genuine feelings. We are encouraged to envision personal goals for the future.
Level 4 Communicating ~ Giving
After experiencing the flow of the spiral and reaching the core, the natural rhythm is to flow out again. We are filled with new strength and deeper connection and are ready to communicate with the world, to give back.